Recent UFO Sightings in Corby, England
Unusual UFO sightings above houses in the UK. Toy drone or UFO? You decide.
POSTED ON: 13 January 2015
UFO Sighted Beneath Airplane in Seoul
Footage shows an unidentified object dashing underneath an aeroplane in South Korea.
POSTED ON: 13 January 2015
UFO Formation Sighted in Beijing Skies
Three UFO's spotted above Beijing in China. Are aliens visiting us from space?
POSTED ON: 12 January 2015
Swiss Footage Shows Mysterious UFO
What is this object in the sky above the mountains in Switzerland. Is it a UFO?
POSTED ON: 12 January 2015
Nasa Captures Unidentified Object by Sun
What is this strange object captured by Nasa that appears to be refueling from the sun?
POSTED ON: 15 January 2015
Village Ghost in India Caught on Camera
Slow-motion video captures what appears to be a small girl in white dress.
POSTED ON: 11 January 2015